La série "Recollected Memories" de Jackson Patterson, s'inscrit dans une ligne artisitique privilégiant l’innovation et les nouvelles recherches formelles dans les principaux medias artistiques.

L'artiste introduit dans ses paysages oniriques une mémoire «hors champs» qui révèle la densité historique d’un lieu grâce à un procédé performatif.

L’artiste invente un nouveau dispositif pour faire co-exister deux plans du réel dans ses photographies, permettant ainsi de raconter une histoire multiple, une mémoire oubliée.

Jackson Patterson’s Recollected Memories series adheres to an artistic vision that prizes innovation and new formal characteristics in artistic media.

He includes "off-camera" memories in dreamlike landscapes, thereby revealing a location’s historic density with a performative process.

Patterson has created a new method that allows two takes of reality to co-exist in his photographic works. This produces a complex visual narrative in images of a memory lost.




Photographe américain, né en 1975 Jackson Patterson a reçu un MFA du San Francisco Art Institute en 2009.

Patterson réside et travaille actuellement à Chicago.

American photographer, born in 1975 Jackson Patterson received an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in 2009.

Patterson lives and works in Chicago.

Expositions et prix

Exhibitions and rewards

Les photographies de Jackson Patterson sont exposées à Hong Kong, Londres, Pennsylvanie, Vermont, Texas, Colorado, Oregon, Californie.

Depuis 2000 en Arizona au Houston Center for Photography, au Museum of Contemporary Craft, au Morris Graves Museum of Art, au Pendleton Art Center , au Center for Fine Art Photography, et au David Brower Center. Son travail est dans diverses collections privées et dans la collection Paul Sack au SFMOMA.

Il a récemment reçu le prix de la photographie de la Renaissance 2013 pour la meilleure image unique.

Il a reçu la 1ère place à l'International Photography Awards en 2014, et a été un des 50 meilleurs photographes de Photo Lucida Critical Mass en 2015.


2013 National Geographic, Proof review by Janna Dotschkal
2013 Feature Shoot, Interview with Sahara Borja
2012 In the In-Between Blog Interview
2012 Generations: Betty Feves, MoCC
2011 LENS/CRATCH, review by Aline Smithson
2011 Shots Magazine, Summer 2011, Issue 112
2011 Hidden Alcatraz: The Fortress Revealed, UC Press
2010 NY Times Style Magazine
2010 Art News, Counterpoint Exhibition Review
2009 Golden Meadows Self-published
2005 The Photo Review Magazine
2004 San Francisco Chronicle, Datebook

Jackson Patterson's photographs are exhibited in Hong Kong, London, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Texas, Colorado, Oregon, California.

Since 2000 in Arizona at the Houston Center for Photography, the Museum of Contemporary Craft, the Morris Graves Museum of Art, the Pendleton Art Center, the Center for Fine Art Photography, and the David Brower Center.

His work is in various private collections and in the Paul Sack collection at SFMOMA.

He recently received the 2013 Renaissance Photography Award for the Best Unique Picture.

He received the 1st place at the International Photography Awards in 2014, and was one of the top 50 photographers of Photo Lucida Critical Mass in 2015.

He exhibited his photographs in Hong Kong, London, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Texas, Colorado, Oregon, California.

Since 2000 in Arizona at the Houston Center for Photography, the Museum of Contemporary Craft, the Morris Graves Museum of Art, the Pendleton Art Center, the Center for Fine Art Photography, and the David Brower Center.

His photographs can be found in various private collections as well as in the Paul Sack collection at SFMOMA.

He recently received the prize of the "Renaissance Photography Prize 2013" for the best single image.

He received the 1st place at International Photography in 2014, and was one of the top 50 photographers of Photo Lucida Critical Mass in 2015.


2013 National Geographic, Proof review by Janna Dotschkal
2013 Feature Shoot, Interview with Sahara Borja
2012 In the In-Between Blog Interview
2012 Generations: Betty Feves, MoCC
2011 LENS/CRATCH, review by Aline Smithson
2011 Shots Magazine, Summer 2011, Issue 112
2011 Hidden Alcatraz: The Fortress Revealed, UC Press
2010 NY Times Style Magazine
2010 Art News, Counterpoint Exhibition Review
2009 Golden Meadows Self-published
2005 The Photo Review Magazine
2004 San Francisco Chronicle, Datebook